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Showing posts from June, 2016

In his speech at Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Tashkent, Afghan President Dr Ashraf Ghani says Afghanistan is fast transforming into a regional hub of cooperation

President Karimov, heads of states and governments, and international organizations, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen! Our context is one of constant change that is multi-dimensional and threatens stability but also they are changes that enhance stability and cooperation. I would like to briefly differentiate between creative change that enables us to cooperate, and destructive change that is a threat to our way of life, to our values and to our ability to cooperate. As part of the creative change, one of the greatest transformations in human history is the emergence of the Euro-Asian continental economy, and the Shanghai cooperation organization represents this future, which would be irreversible. Around this table are sitting leaders who are shaping the 21st century and their impact, your impact will affect every citizen of the world. In this, the second point of the creative change is this spirit of Shanghai. I want to congratulate the founding members of the Shanghai coope

VeilMail - Сверхзащищенная платформа замкнутого типа для обмена сообщениями

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Afghanistan to open a specialized anti-corruption justice center

Amid hope and desperation over the government's previous counter-corruption policies, the presidential palace announced that the Specialized Anti-Corruption Justice Center is to open within a week. The center will investigate corruption at the highest levels of government. This will include ministers, governors, deputy ministers and other high ranking officials alleged to be involved in corrupt practices. Afghanistan's Attorney General Farid Hamidi will be the chairman of the center. Hamidi met with Afghan president Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah on Thursday 23 of June. They discussed the ongoing efforts to make the center operational. "The Center will process all cases related to high ranking officials including ministers, governors, deputies and previous institutions that failed in combating corruption," deputy presidential spokesman Dawa Khan Menapal said. The Center will be mandated to act swiftly whenever and where-ever corruption is suspected. It wi

Afghanistan to increase export to Russia

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will export nearly 300,000 tons of fresh vegetables and fruits to Russian Federation as Moscow has applied customs duty exemption on Afghan products. "There are some main issues, including transit, process and marketing for Afghan products. If government pays attention to these issues and work through a professional process, we can export our goods to Russia and from Russian markets to other countries," said an Afghan economic analyst.

V Afghanistane nelegal'no postupayet do 1,800,000 tonn topliva v god

Po otsenkam Agentstva Natsional'nykh Standartov Afghanistana (ANSA), v stranu yezhegodno vvozitsya 1,2 mln. topliva ofitsial'no i yeshcho 1.8 mln. tonn - kontrabandoy. Kak rasskazal na press-konferentsii glava vedomstva, v nastoyashcheye vremya v prigranichnykh torgovykh portakh Afganistana zarabotali laboratorii po proverke kachestva topliva, posle chego 2,2 mln. litrov topliva byli zapreshchenny k vvozu v stranu. On takzhe podcherknul, chto vystupayet protiv mafii i kontrabandy. V to zhe vremya vedomstvo ne mozhet kontrolirovat' kachestvo topliva, provezonnogo v stranu kontrabandoy, a yego kolichestvo sostavlyayet boleye 50%, dobavil vysokopostavlennyy chinovnik. Po yego otsenkam, yesli by kontrabandu udalos likvidirovat', afghanskiy byudzhet poluchil by do USD 500,000,000 tamozhennykh poshlin v god. Iz-za nizkokachestvennogo topliva, postupayushchego v osnovnom iz Irana, nad afganskoy stolitsey neredko mozhno nablyudat' smog, krayne vrednyy dlya dykhatel'

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar puts three main conditions for reaching peace with the Government of Afghanistan

Hekmatyar’s last chance for peace Written by Heart of Asia, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 Gulbuddin Hekmatyar founder of Hezb-i-Islami The Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) Party has reportedly set new conditions for peace agreement with the Afghan government. Quoting an Afghan official involved in peace talks with the militant group, the Associated Press reported that the party’s leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, has announced three new conditions for striking a peace deal with the government. According to the official, the new conditions are abrogation of the Afghan-US Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), a timetable for the withdrawal of international troops, and the signing of the timetable by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in lieu of the National Unity Government (NUG). If confirmed, Hekmatyar’s new demands correspond to those of the Taliban, who have also long requeste

Willing to invest in Afghanistan?

Here is a 5 minutes informative animated video  describing the demographic and economic profile,  infrastructure, incentives and sectors  for investing in Afghanistan.

Министерство сельского хозяйства Афганистана построит завод по обработке соевых бобов в Кабуле

Представители министерства сельского хозяйства Афганистана объявили о намерении построить в стране завод по обработке соевых бобов. Ранее правительство Южной Кореи объявило, что выделит 5,000,000 долларов США для строительства такого промышленного комплекса в Кабуле. В частности, завод сможет производить до трёх видов соевого молока.

Afghan-German vocalist Simin Tander tour in North America to end in Montreal on July 3

Afghan-German vocalist, Simin Tander joined Norwegian pianist and bandleader Tord Gustavsen with his long-time confrère drummer Jarle Vespestad, on a North American tour in support of their ECM release “What was said.” Tander sings Pashto translations of Norwegian lyrics with an elegant yet mysterious delivery. Here are the dates with links to pages with full information on the last three concerts: June 29 – Vancouver Jazz Festival, Vancouver, BC  http://coastaljazz.ticketfly. com/event/1113679-tord- gustavsen-hymns-visions- vancouver/ July 01 – Rochester Jazz Festival, Rochester, NY artist_lineup/?artist_id=87 July 03 – Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, Montreal, QC  http://www.montrealjazzfest. com/artists/artist.aspx?id=244

Afghanistan introduces a standard certification mark to identify quality domestic products

The Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) introduced for the first time a standard certification mark to identify quality domestic products.  During a press conference held on Monday, June 20, the Head of ANSA , Dr Naqibullah Faiq, said that the certification mark would be used for all high quality domestic products. “Products of low quality would not be marked. And, there would be no compromises made and no pressure or any favoritism would be accepted,”   said the Head of ANSA. He also underlined that a product passing the standard quality would easily enter international markets and not be rejected.

The European Union's special envoy to Afghanistan has expressed frustration over illegal mining in Afghanistan

The majority of the minerals that are extracted illegally in Afghanistan, are then smuggled by ISIS and Taliban  with the support of their Pakistani patrons The European Union's (EU) special envoy to Afghanistan, Franz-Michael Mellbin, said that Afghanistan loses nearly USD 100 million per year through illegal mining. "I am a little careful with numbers here, because just like when you talk numbers in the drug industry, you know there is one price the farmer gets and there is a different price at the street level. So you can calculate in different ways as these things progress towards the value change, but if we focus on the loss for the Afghan government and the state and such, we believe its foreign access of a USD 100 million per year. Already at the current level and this is a very conservative estimate," the EU envoy said. Meanwhile, monitoring group The Natural Resources Monitoring Network (NRMN) has said the illegal extraction of mines in the country will

Signed another contract for electricity transmission line from the northern Doshi to central Bamyan province of Afghanistan

A contract was signed for the transmission of 300 megawatt electricity line from the northern Doshi to central Bamyan province.  The contract was signed in the presence of President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in ARG Presidential Palace today June 19,2016. The contract was signed by the representatives of Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) which will fund the construction work of the project. The Minister of Water and Energy Ali Ahmad Osmani said the transmission line of 220kV will be built from Doshi to Bamyan province which will have a capacity of 300 Megawatt. Osmani further added that the construction work of the transmission line will begin next and the estimated completion date of the project is December 2019. The signing of the contract for the transmission line of 300 Megawatt electricity from Doshi to Bamyan province comes as a vast demonstration was orgnaized in capital Kabul last month as the demonstration participants accused the governm

Former Afghan president Karzai: Pakistan can't tolerate increasing India-Afghan friendly ties

Former Afghan president Hamid Karzai said Pakistan does not want good relations between India and Afghanistan and wants "no bilateral trade and no access to Central Asia for India" which is unacceptable for Afghanistan. In an interview with BBC Urdu yesterday June 16, Karzai claimed that India is helping Afghanistan build its infrastructure and health facilities and has "filled Afghanistan with money despite being a poor country". "India wants to truly befriend Afghanistan and we want Pakistan to do the same," said the former Afghan president. Related:   Afghanistan, India inaugurate Friendship Dam He said Pakistan should also become a part of the regional coalition between Afghanistan, India and Iran, but "Pakistan's condition is that Afghanistan should not have contacts with India." "If this issue is resolved, our relations with Pakistan will improve rapidly," Karzai told BBC. Also Read:   Made by India: Modi to inaugurate ne

Жители афганской провинции Кунар требуют от правительства построить новую ГЭС

Kunar river in the Kunar valley Жители провинции Кунар после передачи ГЭС Салма под юрисдикцию афганского правительства потребовали построить новую ГЭС на реке Кунар. По словам жителей, строительство ГЭС позволило бы сделать орошаемыми многие гектары сельхозугодий, а также защитить ряд районов от разрушительных наводнений и обеспечить электроснабжение домов. Согласно техническим исследованиям, ГЭС, построенная в районе Асмар уезда Шал смогла бы вырабатывать до 796 МВт электроэнергии, а в районе Сара Так — до 1000 МВт. Соответствующие документы уже были переданы в министерство энергетики и водоснабжения, заявил глава департамента электроснабжения. Президент Ашраф Гани заявил, что строительство большой ГЭС на реке Кунар может начаться уже в ближайшем будущем.

The key role of Italy in the infrastructure sector of Afghanistan

The Italian Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan , H.E. Roberto Cantone, has reportedly said that the Government of Italy would provide USD 45 million to support completion of the Afghan section of the railway connecting Herat Province to Iranian rail networks.

Afghan government signed another contract for the construction of a dam

The contract for the construction of Dam, Bakhshabad Dam in western Farah province of AFghanistan, was signed at the Presidential Palace yesterday in the presence of President Ashraf Ghani. The Minister of Energy and Water Ahmad Osmani said the reservoir of the Dam will have a capacity 1,360 million cubic meter and the construction work will be completed in 18 months. He said the Dam will irrigate more than 100 hectares of agricultural land with the provincial governor Mohammad Asif Nang saying the irrigation will cover five districts and the center of Farah province. This comes as Afghanistan earlier signed a contract with a Turkish company for the extension of Kajaki Dam located in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan. The signing of the contract for Bakhshabad Dam in Farah province comes as said earlier in March that work on key infrastructure projects, including construction of water dams, will start in accordance with the available resources. During a meeting of the National

Afghanistan targeting to produce 70 tons of saffron per year

The Government of Afghanistan announced the implementation of a five-year plan to support the cultivation of saffron with the aim to increase the production of Afghan saffron at least three times. According to the new plan, the production will increase from 3,7 to 14 tons per year. Last year, saffron grown in 22 of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan. According to a recently carried out study, Afghanistan could produce up to 70 tons of saffron per year. Afghan saffron is recognized as the best in the world; the climate of many areas of the country is ideal for the cultivation of this spice. Furthermore, crocus stamens which are collected to produce saffron, bloom in early spring and don't require irrigation during all the summer season.

A new railway project kicked off in Herat province of Afghanistan

The Press Office of the Governor of Herat has announced that the Province has started working on the technical and economic studies of the Herat-Torghondi railway.   The Governor of Herat, Mr Asif Rahimi, said that this railway project is extremely important for the export of Afghan products in the markets of neighboring countries, and can play a crucial role in the economic development of the country. The Minister of Public Works of Afghanistan, Mr Mahmoud Baligh, said the the railway would form part of the Lapis Lazuli Route, a proposed trade corridor linking Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Europe, supporting ambitions for Afghanistan to become a regional transport hub. ‘We have to develop the railway network to reach major economic powers’ , said Minister Baligh, adding that this would support economic growth and help to increase domestic revenues. The preparation of the studies was assigned to the Canadian consulting firm CANARAIL which operates in Afg

Given GREEN LIGHT to begin construction works of Bamyan Cultural Center

The Minister of Urban Development Affairs of Afghanistan, Mr Mansoor Naderi, inaugurated the construction of Bamyan Cultural Center along with representatives of UNESCO and the Embassy of South Korea. Bamyan could turn into a vital tourism and economic hub in the country due to cultural heritage which is of great importance to Afghanistan and the world, specifically for UNESCO. The construction of the Cultural Center in Bamyan is one of the most important projets of UNESCO. An international competition was organized in 2014 for the design of the Cultural Center. Among more than 1,000 design firms from 118 countries, was selected an Argentina-based company. The Cultural Center will have an exhibition hall, auditorium, separate rooms for workshops and classes, tea room and shopping centers. The Cultural Center could help in public awareness regarding the culture and arts of Bamyan besides it could become a research center, education center for the youth, a recreational area for the

L'Italia nel settore infrastrutturale dell'Afghanistan

Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri Gentiloni durante la sua recente visita in Afghanistan La presenza della Cooperazione Italiana nel settore infrastrutturale dell’Afghanistan inizia quasi immediatamente dopo la caduta del regime Talebano. Nel 2002 viene concordato, assieme alle autorità dell’allora Governo Provvisorio guidato da Hamid Karzai, l’intervento prioritario della connessione tra Kabul e Bamyan. Si tratta di un’opera di grande valore economico, ma anche politico e simbolico dato che collega al resto del Paese le aree interne abitate dagli Hazara, popolazione che aveva duramente risentito della invasione del suo territorio da parte dei Talebani e che sin dalla fine del 2001 costituisce una delle componenti principali del Governo. Tra il 2003 e il 2008, la presenza italiana si concentra sulla realizzazione della strada Maidan Shar-Bamyan (Maidan Shar e’ un villaggio a 30 km da Kabul, posto sulla ring road afghana). Per realizzare il percorso di 136 km viene prima lanciato u

Afghanistan's current situation is bringing Afghan politicians to consider a strategic cooperation agreement with Russia

Tekushchaya situatsiya v Afghanistane posluzhila prichinoy rosta zainteresovannosti politicheskikh krugov strany v vozvrashchenii Rossii, zayavil rossiyskiy Senator Igor Morozov. Kommentariy ot senatora (zamestitelya Mezhparlamentskoy gruppy po sotrudnichestvu Soveta Federatsii s National'noy Assambleyey Afghanistana), stalo otklikom na obsuzhdeniye v Afghanistane vozmozhnosti podpisaniya soglasheniya o strategicheskom partnerstve s RF. V chastnosti, nadezhdu na to, chto zaklyucheniye sootvetstvuyushey dogovoronnosti mezhdu stranami posposobstvuyet vosstanovleniyu stabil'nosti v respublike, vyrazil na proshloy nedele afganskiy senator Mohammad Alam Izidyar. "Zayavleniye Izidyara govorit o tom, chto v afghanskom politicheskom obshchestve idut ochen' bol'shiye izmeneniya, svyazannyye s nadezhdoy vozvrashcheniya Rossii v Afghanistan, otmetil Morozov. Y sama zhizn' zastavlyayet i diktuyet podobnyye zayavleniya, poskol'ku Afghanistan razocharovan 15-letnim pr

Links to renewable energy projects in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

​Bamyan 1 MW Solar Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-07-BAM): Ghor 5 MW Solar Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-08-GHO): Helmand 3 MW Solar Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-09-HEL): Herat 14 MW Wind Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-10-HER): Urozgan 1 MW Solar Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-20-URO): Daikundi 1 MW Solar Project (RFP No: MEW-REN-22-DAI):

Есть огромная надежда, что турецкая компания сделает чудо, благодаря которому сможет выполнять работу

Министерство энергетики и водоснабжения Афганистана подписало меморандум о взаимопонимании по вопросу модернизации ГЭС "Каджаки" с турецкой компанией которая, вероятно, не обладает технические и организационные требования для выполнения работы. По словам министра Г-н Али Ахмада Османи, после завершения работ по этому проекту ГЭС "Каджаки" сможет вырабатывать до 150 МВт электроэнергии против текущих 33. Этот показатель больше, чем у ГЭС "Салма" в провинции Герат, цитирует его слова Национальное TV ИРА. ГЭС "Каджаки" располагается на реке Гельманд в 160 км от Кандагара и выполняет функции как энергоснабжения близлежащих районов, так и ирригации сельхозугодий. В ходе модернизации, объём водохранилища ГЭС предполагается увеличить до 1млрд кубометров воды.

Produzione dell’Olio d’Oliva in Afghanistan

La Cooperazione Italiana è impegnata da alcuni anni ad insegnare la produzione dell’olio d’oliva in Afghanistan. Grazie al progetto “Promozione della Produzione e della Commercializzazione dell’Olio d’Oliva”, finanziato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, è stato possibile formare giovani agricoltori afghani e realizzare frantoi e impianti oleari per la trasformazione delle olive. In Afghanistan, l’olio d’oliva è diventato abitudine in molte aree ed è apprezzato sia come alimento che come cosmetico. Attraverso ONG afghane, è stato possibile creare associazioni di agricoltori locali e preparare un piano nazionale per lo sviluppo del settore dell’olio d’oliva. Gli obiettivi principali di “Promozione della Produzione e della Commercializzazione dell’Olio d’Oliva” sono proprio quelli di aumentare la produzione nazionale di olio di oliva e diminuire la sua importazione da paesi terzi (soprattutto dall'Iran); incoraggiare gli investimenti privati nelle

On October 2016 the European Union and the Afghan Government will co-host the 'Brussels Conference on Afghanistan'

On 4-5 October 2016, the European Union and the Government of Afghanistan will co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (BCA). This conference will gather up to 70 countries and 30 international organizations and agencies. It will provide a platform for the government of Afghanistan to set out its vision and track record on reform. For the international community, it will be the opportunity to signal sustained political and financial support to Afghan peace, state-building and development. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, High Representative Federica Mogherini and Neven Mimica, European Commissioner for Development Cooperation, will represent the European Union. President Dr Ashraf Ghani and CEO Dr Abdullah Abdullah will represent Afghanistan. The conference is expected to focus on three levels: joint international and Afghan efforts to increase the effectiveness of sustained international support and funding, on the basis of a new Afghan national developm

VeilMail - the unique features that sets it apart

The integral functionality comes from a unique architecture designed from the ground up with security in mind. No Email Addresses - VeilMail is a closed loop secure email system with no email addresses, eliminating the opportunity for outside party contact. - No Addresses - no Spam. - No Addresses - no sending messages to the wrong people. - No Addresses - no returned mail. No e-mail Server - VeilMail avoids using email servers improving security. - Stand alone system - No intervention Abstract Security Layer - VeilMail runs on an AIC virtual machine (a proprietory development) which itself is an abstract security layer. Encryption - VeilMail provides the strongest level of Encryption, one for data storage and another for communication. Uses 256 Bit AES by default and single use, random keys for all transmissions. Unique functions in VeilMail sets it from all others - The rights enforced on a message give the extra protection including restricting devices the user

Two new schools have been built in Northern Afghanistan for nearly 2000 children

The Afghan-German cooperation inaugurated and handed over two newly built schools in Northern provinces of Afghanistan Takhar and Kunduz to the local governments. The school in Takhar offers space to about 400 children in the area, while the one in Kunduz province is available to 1,400 students. Until now, classes were taking place in tents in an open area. Lessons were affected by the rain, cold, heat, wind and snow. The new schools provide an environment that allows children of the provinces to receive sound education which will prepare them properly for the future. The new school buildings consist of fully furnished classrooms, administrative rooms and water wells that offer healthy drinking water to students and teachers. Furthermore, a boundary wall encircles each school, ensuring safety to all students and teachers. The costs for the new schools amount to AFN 42 million with technical and financial support from the German government via the Stabilization Program for Northern A

В Афганистане собран большой урожай пшеницы

В текущем году в Афганистане был собран вдвое больший урожай пшеницы по сравнению с показателями прошедшего года. Это стало возможным благодаря обильным дождям и хорошему качеству посевного материала. Кроме того многие крестьяне, которые ещё в прошлом году сеяли опиумный мак, в текущем году перешли на выращивание пшеницы.

Turkish company signs MOU for extension of Kajaki Hydropower Dam in the southern Helmand Province of Afghanistan

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Ministry of Energy and Water of Afghanistan and a Turkish construction company for the extension of Kajaki hydropower dam. The extension of dam would pave the way for the generation of 100 more megawatts of electricity in southern Helmand province. The Minister of Energy and Water said that 150 megawatts of electricity would be produced in total with the completion of extension works of the dam. The Minister further added that the reservoir capacity of the dam would also be expanded by billion cubic meter. This comes as the Afghan President said earlier in March that work on key infrastructure projects including construction of water dams will start in accordance with the available resources. During a meeting of the National Procurement Commission (NPC), President Ghani reviewed a report by the Ministry of Energy and Water regarding the construction of 29 large, medium and small water dams. The Ministry of Finance was given

Afghan Ministry of Agriculture to conduct nationwide insect pests & plant diseases survey

Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock plans to launch a nationwide survey of existing plant pests and diseases and later find ways to preventing them. Deputy minister Mir Amanudin Haidari at the Stakeholder Planning Workshop of this survey said “we have many diseases in Afghanistan and they have cost us a lot even as a trade barrier. Some diseases have been transmitted to our county. Identification and creating database of such diseases are vitally important. It will enable us to prevent diseases like we had in melons of Takhar Province few years back.” Abdullah Wajidi, acting director of Afghanistan Agricultural Inputs Projects (AAIP) who is funding and coordinating this survey stated in his speech that ‘Nationwide Insect Pests and Plant Diseases Survey’ is a great and important part of AAIP. He further added that they will try and work hard with the implementing partner to conduct the survey more effectively. Center for Agricultural Biosciences International

It looks like a cool investment opportunity in the Afghan tourism sector

There is a ski destination in Afghanistan having everything to attract foreign investments for becoming the most attractive ski resorts in the world! Are you ready?! Pack your kit and prepare for a ski outing unlike any other to what must be the world’s most un-discovered ski destination.   Strange but true, hidden among Afghanistan’s negative stories of conflicts, corruption, suicide bombers, war and drug smugglers, there is a ray of light shining under the banner of emerging adventure tourism in Bamyan Province in the northern Afghanistan. An area best known for the Taliban’s destruction of the giant Buddha statues that for centuries stood sentinel over the Bamyan Valley, the region is fast putting the past behind, and setting its sights on attracting international eco-minded adventure tourism enthusiasts. Featuring virgin back-country skiing, pristine mountain passes, and quaint rural villages with curious and friendly inhabitants, the Koh-e-Baba range that encircles the Bamyan

Афганистан и Россия обсудили вопросы экономического сотрудничества в Москве

В последние дни  в  Москве состоялся российско-афганский экономический форум. В ходе мероприятия, организованного по инициативе Российско-афганского делового совета при ТПП РФ, были обсуждены вопросы развития сотрудничества между двумя странами по различным экономическим направлениям. Афганистан выразил готовность принять участие в российских программах по импортозамещению, в частности, поставлять в Россию свежие овощи и фрукты (в настоящее время Афганистан ежегодно производит около  о дин миллион тонн фруктов).  Вице-президент ТПП Афганистан (ACCI), господин Хан Джан Алокозай, упомянул о том, что ещё одним из перспективных направлений российско-афганского сотрудничества могут стать совместные проекты в сфере жилищного строительства. "Наш бизнес готов к совместному с российскими компаниями инвестированию в данную отрасль" , сообщил он. На форуме также выступил начальник отдела по Афганистану второго департамента Азии МИД РФ Альберт Хорев, сообщивший, что Москва намерен