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Given GREEN LIGHT to begin construction works of Bamyan Cultural Center

The Minister of Urban Development Affairs of Afghanistan, Mr Mansoor Naderi, inaugurated the construction of Bamyan Cultural Center along with representatives of UNESCO and the Embassy of South Korea. Bamyan could turn into a vital tourism and economic hub in the country due to cultural heritage which is of great importance to Afghanistan and the world, specifically for UNESCO. The construction of the Cultural Center in Bamyan is one of the most important projets of UNESCO. An international competition was organized in 2014 for the design of the Cultural Center. Among more than 1,000 design firms from 118 countries, was selected an Argentina-based company. The Cultural Center will have an exhibition hall, auditorium, separate rooms for workshops and classes, tea room and shopping centers. The Cultural Center could help in public awareness regarding the culture and arts of Bamyan besides it could become a research center, education center for the youth, a recreational area for the public, and a place to boost the local economy. The project will be implemented by the UNESCO and the funding for two phases will be granted by South Korea, while the third phase of the project will be funded by the Ministry of Urban Development Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.