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Italy's remarkable support to Afghan justice institutions

Since 2002 the Italian Cooperation has been supporting the Afghan Justice Institutions (Supreme Court, Attorney General Office and Ministry of Justice, including the Elimination of Violence Against Women Units and the Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres) and other relevant actors of the justice sector (e.g.the Afghan Independent Bar Association and the Faculties of Law and Shari’a) in strengthening the Rule of Law and the access to justice for Afghan people and vulnerable categories, as well as in rebuilding and refurbishing judiciary and penitentiary infrastructures, with a special focus on Kabul and Herat.
Italy was “Lead Country” for the Justice sector from 2003 to 2005 (when an ad hoc “Italian Justice Program Office” was established) and one of the “Key Partners” from 2006 to 2007, but the rehabilitation of the Afghan Justice system always remained among the top priorities of the Italian commitment in Afghanistan: around 90 million Euros Italian funds have been disbursed so far, through bilateral and multilateral channels, or by directly implementing specific projects, according to the general strategies and framework agreed by the Afghan Government with the International Community of donors.
The list of activities carried out and of results achieved is remarkable: Italy provided technical assistance to the justice reform process (a special contribution was given to the drafting of the Interim Criminal Procedure Code, the Juvenile Code, the Prison Code, and the new Criminal Procedure Code); established the National Legal Training Centres and the Elimination of Violence Against Women Units of the Attorney General Office in Kabul and Herat; organized trainings for lawyers, prosecutors and staff of the Ministry of Justice on legal subjects, IT, psychological issues, and management skills; supplied legal books, computers and furniture for the Afghan Justice institutions and the Faculties of Law and Shari’a; developed databases and case filing systems for the Ministry of Justice;funded the Afghan Independent Bar Association and the Legal Aid Department of the Ministry of Justice; built and refurbished several judiciary and penitentiary facilities (such as detention centres and Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres in Kabul and Herat).