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Kazakhstan is prepared to invest in basic infrastructure projects in Afghanistan

In consideration of Afghanistan's needs for access to central Asian markets and for improving the role of Kazakhstan on Central Asia and Gulf markets, it is advantageous for Kazakhstan to invest in infrastructure such as roads and railways that connect Afghanistan to Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia. Economic experts believe that Kazakh investments in Afghanistan could broaden trade and economic ties between Central Asia, the Middle East and Afghanistan.

SC Jalil Holding SRL è la prima ed unica società europea che promuove e vende i tuoi prodotti e servizi in Afghanistan. La società è operativa sul territorio dell'Afghanistan con una propria filiale. 
Per ulteriori informazioni su come sviluppare i tuoi affari in Afghanistan, contattami al cellulare afghano +93792013370 o con un SMS al cellulare italiano +393494517705 oppure scrivendomi a ivotoniut[at] - Grazie, Ivo Toniut, AD Jalil Holding.