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Kabul New City, the biggest development initiative of Afghanistan

 Real Estate mega-Project
The Kabul New City, approximately 1,5 times larger than the existing Kabul City, is strategically placed between Bagram Airbase and Kabul International Airport. It is mainly located in the province of Kabul and occupies a small area from Parwan province. The site is surrounded by Khwaja Rawash, Safi and Marko Mountains. Current population of Kabul is estimated to be well above four million people. It is estimated that Kabul population will rise to eight million people by 2025. According to a comprehensive water study by JICA team, existing underground water availability in Kabul city is to the tune of 166 million cubic meters per year which suffices for only five million people with an average of 90 liters per person per day(instead of international standard of 120-150 liters per person per day). Therefore, it is crucial to cater the water needs of the extra three million people through other means. The site for the new city can take a maximum of three million people and utilizes the water of a different basin, namely Sayaad Fan Aquifer. Other major problems resulting from rapid population growth includes very high unemployment rate, housing crisis, and lack of proper infrastructure and pollution of all sorts. The New City project generates hundreds of thousands of skilled and unskilled jobs on temporary and permanent basis, provides around 250,000 housing units, improves the infrastructure of greater Kabul and lessens pollution through eco-system measures. It also plays an important role in keeping a stable economic growth in the country. The project, therefore, is the biggest development initiative of Afghanistan which enjoys the full support of Afghan Government, Parliament, private sector and civil society. Without this project, the current problems facing Kabul will only worsen. Living conditions will deteriorate beyond the tolerance level. With inadequate and unplanned urban infrastructure and social services, informal housing areas will spread. Serious traffic congestion, high crime, unsanitary conditions, and acute water shortages will plague all the citizens who live and work in Kabul.
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